Thursday, December 29, 2011

[fanfic] Daishuuryou/Takeru - Bound part 3

Fandom: Kamen Rider Decade/Samurai Sentai Shinkenger
Cast: Daishuuryou, Shiba Takeru
Rating: R
Warning: BL, AU, OOC, crappy English
Disclaimer: I do not own anything and/or anyone
Note: I wish I can do something more to end this but I can not think of another ending for this (you know, I would so love to blame my plot bunnies and RL stuffs but it's purely my own incapability *SOBS*). Hence, this is short. 

A boy, just about his age, appearing in front of him and they fought together. A mocking smile. Witty words. A hug. A kiss.



Takeru's steps are halted. He blinks at the lanky figure sitting on the veranda, waving cockily at him. Gathering his composure, Takeru proceeds. He sits beside the boy and put his wooden sword on the floor next to him.

"Uh oh, someone's not in a good mood." his guest comments cheekily.

Takeru pouts. "It won't hurt if you give some notice before coming here, you know."

"You said that I am always welcomed here."

"True." Takeru nods. "But there's a common thing called manner, Tsukasa."

The boy named Tsukasa grins cheekily at him. "I'm not popular for my manner. In fact, I think some people is having a problem with my manner."

"You think?" Takeru lifts his eyebrows in amusement. He puts on his geta and walks away to the yard, bringing his wooden sword with him. He starts his practice. 

"Talking about manner but look at you. Is it a good manner to abandon a guest and continue on with your daily exercise?" Tsukasa teases him.

A sharp swing of the wooden sword. "You're hardly a guest." Takeru states.

Tsukasa rises from his spot and walks up to his host. With arms folded in front of his chest, he watches Takeru practice. A quirky smile is plastered on his lips and Takeru gives him an annoyed look.

"What are you doing standing there? You can get hit." He grumbles.

Tsukasa smirks and moves behind the young lord. His long arms snake around Takeru's waist and firmly pulling him into a tight embrace. Takeru yelps but isn't really trying to move away. Tsukasa's face is already so close to his, anyway. His warm breath wafting over Takeru's ear and cheek, sending a gentle shiver down his spine. Takeru is sure that his cheeks are crimson at the moment. He looks down to his feet and closes his eyes. A soft gasp escapes his lips when Tsukasa presses a gentle kiss on his cheek then to his ear.

The kiss tickles and Takeru bites his lips so not to chuckle. He squirms a little and Tsukasa nibbles at his earlobe teasingly. Takeru turns his head to face Tsukasa and kisses his cheek chastely. 

"I have to practice." he whispers, a bit raggedly because his heart is practically racing by Tsukasa's touch and the hands that rest on his stomach feel so warm through the layer of his kendo-gi. 

"Hmm." Tsukasa mumbles. He releases Takeru after a while and walks away to sit on the veranda again. He sits there until Takeru finishes his practice and kisses him again after that.


Daishuuryou comes to him every night. Sometimes before dinner, sometimes after that or way past midnight. But he always gone every time Takeru opens his eyes in the morning. He is always rough and doesn't hold himself on whatever account. The more Takeru struggles, the more ferocious Daishuuryou becomes. It's like he wants to make a point to Takeru that fighting is not going to do him any good. That it's worthless.

Every small part of him that still has a will to fight is beaten down one by one every single time Daishuuryou comes to him. 

Takeru can feel that he gets weaken every single day. Day by day, he only lays there on the bed or the daybed, looking blankly at the ceiling or to the sky or anything. He curls up, crying helplessly like a little child. He wonders why he's still alive, why he is still there letting himself be used. Is it his pride? He no longer have any purpose. He no longer have duties. He is no longer the 19th head of the Shiba clan. He is a slave.

And Daishuuryou is his master.

But he is not a slave. He is a samurai. A samurai only serve the master that they choose and swore their life and loyalty to and follow him every step of the way.

Daishuuryou is his master.

A master he doesn't choose by himself.

Daishuuryou is his master.

He embraces the inevitable fact. It's the truth. His only truth.


Monday, December 19, 2011

[fanfic] Wedding checklist - Tension

Cast: Matsuzaka Tori, Wada Takuma, cameo Daito Shunsuke, Mitsuya Ryou, etc
Rating: PG
Warning: BL, AU, OOC
Disclaimer: I do not own anything and/or anyone
Note: Baiklah. Karena udah kelamaan karena kepotong NaNoWrimo, karena gue gak pengen disruduk dan ditabrak, karena ini udah musim dingin, let's just speed everything LOL *ditimpukin massa*  Sekali lagi, karena dicepetin, maaf kalo jadi banyak details yang kelewat ya. Nggak, ini bukan hari H-nya kok.

Terakhir kali ia melihat apartemennya dalam keadaan luar biasa berantakan adalah beberapa tahun lalu saat ia pindah ke apartemen mungil itu. Saat ini kondisinya bisa dibilang sangat mirip dengan ketika itu: kardus-kardus bertumpuk dan tersebar di beberapa tempat, bungkusan-bungkusan yang entah apa isinya tergeletak di beberapa sudut ruangan, tumpukan kertas, baju-baju dan benda lain yang Tori tak berani menyingkirkan atau dia akan lupa di mana tempatnya. Sofa ruang tamunya pun penuh terhuni Shunsuke yang duduk bersilang kaki dan sibuk dengan laptop canggihnya. Sudut satunya diambil alih oleh Mitsuya yang sedang menelepon dengan nada tinggi. Televisi disetel tanpa benar-benar ditonton dan Mitsuya melotot ke arahnya saat Tori hendak mematikan.

Untunglah orang tuanya baru akan datang besok pagi dan mereka setuju saja saat Tori bersikeras agar mereka menginap di hotel karena jelas apartemen mungilnya tak akan sanggup menampung semua orang itu. Pun, seminggu terakhir ini apartemennya begitu sumpek karena sahabat-sahabatnya dan Mitsuya kadang tak datang sendiri. Hampir tiap hari Takuma datang bersama Yuuki. Ia tak enak karena pacarnya itu – meskipun Takuma sudah menjelaskan dan Yuuki pun mengaku sudah memaklumi- tetap merengut karena terlalu sering diacuhkan. Pemuda mungil itu akan duduk di meja makan mengerjakan PR-nya, kadang sendiri namun seringkali bersama Mitsuya. Setelahnya ia akan ikut duduk di ruang tengah, mengamati kesibukan yang terjadi.

Tunangan Mitsuya yang tampan itu pun beberapa kali mampir, membawakan baju ganti dan camilan ringan. Senyumnya yang ramah dan pertanyaan apakah ada yang bisa dia bantu selalu disambut baik oleh Tori yang menyilakannya masuk dan menawarinya ikut minum kopi bersama. Tori senang melihatnya selalu menempatkan diri di dekat Mitsuya yang sudah sibuk sendiri dengan pilihan bahan kain untuk dekorasi atau sibuk menelepon supplier tanaman dan agen persewaan perlengkapan pesta. Pun dengan senang hati turun ke dapur dan membuatkan makan malam.

Kekasih Shunsuke hanya mampir satu kali. Tubuhnya yang tinggi menjulang dan wajahnya yang tampan menarik perhatian semua orang di dalam ruangan, tak terkecuali Yuuki dan Mitsuya yang langsung berseru, “Sensei?! Kenapa ada di sini?” bahkan sebelum diperkenalkan oleh Shunsuke. Pria yang tampak seperti rubah itu tersenyum tipis dan pamit dengan sopan setelah ikut makan malam.

Tori menghela nafas.

Tiga hari lagi.

Undangan sudah disebar dan jawabannya pun datang dengan cepat. Beberapa menyertakan permintaan maaf tak bisa hadir berserta hadiah yang diletakkan Tori di bawah tempat tidurnya karena sudah tak ada tempat lagi. Dua hari yang lalu Nagayama-san baru saja mengantarkan pakaian mereka yang sudah jadi. Senyumnya nampak begitu sumringah dan terlihat begitu puas saat dirinya, Tori, Takuma, dan Shunsuke berdesak-desakan di dalam kamar Tori untuk fitting sekali lagi. Ia buru-buru pamit karena masih akan mampir ke rumah Masahiro sebelum pemuda itu terbang ke Amerika.

Ini yang membuat Tori makin tertekan. Maya-san meminta anak bungsunya itu untuk tinggal dengannya di Amerika selama seminggu sebelum hari H dan kemudian akan sama-sama kembali ke Jepang bersama-sama. Masahiro ngambek selama berhari-hari, berteriak pada seluruh isi rumah dan menuduh semua orang sebenarnya ingin membatalkan pernikahannya dengan Tori lalu mengunci diri di dalam kamar. Tori harus menelepon calon ibu mertuanya itu dan meminta penjelasan karena sungguh, dia sedang tak ingin menghadapi Masahiro yang seperti itu saat ini.

“Aku hanya ingin memanjakannya sebagai anakku sebelum ia menikah. Apakah tak boleh? Atau sebenarnya kau khawatir aku tak akan memulangkannya kembali ke Jepang?” ujar wanita itu di telepon.

Tori mendesah, “Maaf, Okaa-sama. Saya tahu Okaa-sama tentunya tidak bermaksud buruk. Saya hanya ingin memastikan karena saat ini Masahiro bahkan tak mau mengangkat telepon dari saya.”

“Begitu? Dasar Masahiro.” Wanita itu tertawa kecil dan mau tak mau Tori pun ikut tertawa. “Kalau memang terlalu merepotkanmu dan membuatmu bertambah pusing, bilang saja padanya kalau dia tak perlu pergi ke sini. Aku mengerti, kok.”

Tori sungguh tak enak mendengar nada bicara calon ibu mertuanya yang terdengar agak sedih itu. Hari berikutnya, sepulang dari rumah sakit, ia mampir ke rumah Keigo dan menyelipkan secarik kertas melalui bawah pintu kamar Masahiro.

Jangan harap aku akan muncul di hadapanmu di depan altar nanti kalau menghormati keinginan ibumu saja kau tak bisa –Tori-

Malam harinya, Tori harus menyiapkan makan malam sambil tertawa geli pada Masahiro yang tengahberkutat di depan laptopnya; memesan tiket pesawat sambil menggerutu.

Semalam Masahiro baru saja meneleponnya. Seperti biasa kalau mereka sedang terpisah jauh, pembicaraan telepon mereka selalu menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam diselingi video call beramai-ramai dengan para pendamping pria, Mitsuya, dan Takiguchi-kun karena mereka harus berdiskusi tentang beberapa persiapan akhir. Akhirnya Tori mengusir mereka semua keluar dari kamarnya karena ia sedang kangen sekali pada Masahiro.


Tori melirik ke dalam kamar tidurnya, mendapati Masaki yang tengah tertidur pulas. Anak itu datang segera setelah jadwal operasinya selesai dan menuntut dibuatkan omelet. Sambil tersenyum, ditutupnya pintu kamarnya dengan perlahan dan beralih menuju dapur karena ia sungguh butuh minum kopi dan mungkin sebatang rokok.

Namun begitu melihat Takuma yang tengah berdiri di dekat konter dapur, sibuk memperhatikan beberapa lembar kertas berisi pengaturan duduk para tamu undangan, hal pertama yang dilakukannya adalah mengulurkan kedua lengannya pada sahabatnya itu. Mengerutkan kening dengan sedikit heran, Takuma pun merengkuhnya dalam pelukan hangat dan erat. Dokter gigi nan tampan itu menepuk-nepuk pundak Tori dan mengelus punggungnya dengan sayang sementara Tori membenamkan wajahnya ke dalam pundak Takuma dan menghela nafas berkali-kali. Rasanya begitu nyaman dan untuk sesaat, Tori merasa semuanya akan berjalan lancer.

“Kenapa tidak tidur saja?” Tanya Takuma sambil mengecup rambut Tori.

Tori menggeleng. “Tak bisa,” ujarnya sambil menjauh sedikit meski tak melepaskan pelukan.

Takuma tersenyum. “Aku tadi buat kopi. Mau?”

Tori mengangguk, kali ini membiarkan Takuma melepaskan dirinya dan menuangkan secangkir kopi untuknya. Diambilnya rokok simpanannya dari dalam lemari dapur, membuka jendela dan mendudukkan dirinya di atas konter sambil menyalakan rokok. Takuma menghampirinya dengan secangkir gelas yang menguarkan asap tipis. Tori menerimanya dengan senyum penuh terima kasih dan meletakkan cangkir itu di dekat pahanya. Takuma bersandar di sebelahnya, mengambil sebatang rokok dari dalam kotak yang masih digenggam Tori, membuat sahabatnya itu tertawa.

“Apa?” Takuma mengangkat alis, menyelipkan rokok ke antara bibirnya.

Tori menggeleng lagi, mengulurkan korek dan menyalakannya untuk Takuma.

Mereka terdiam sejenak, menikmati kopi dan menghembuskan nikotin beberapa kali.

“Yuuki-chan tidak marah kau menginap di sini sampai beberapa hari ke depan?” Tanya Tori kemudian.

Takuma terkekeh. “Marah sih tidak. Hanya cemberut. Tapi Micchi juga sudah ikut membujuknya dan dia di rumah ditemani Yamaguchi-kun dan Yuta. Ngomong-ngomong, terima kasih sudah mengundang mereka juga.”

Tori mengibaskan tangannya. “Tentu saja mereka kuundang. Kau ini bicara apa?”

Kedikkan bahu dan hembusan asap menjawab Tori. Takuma terbatuk dan memutuskan mematikan rokoknya. “Aku tak pernah terbiasa dengan ini,” komentarnya dengan wajah sedikit memerah.

“Itu karena kau dokter gigi,” ucap Tori sambil nyengir.

Takuma membalas cengirannya. Diperhatikannya baik-baik wajah Tori yang tampak lelah dan sedikit tegang. Garis di bagian bawah matanya mulai menebal dan Takuma tahu yang bisa menyembuhkannya hanya sepuluh jam tidur. Mungkin sebentar lagi dia harus memaksa Tori masuk ke kamar untuk bergelung di sebelah Suda tapi saat ini, sepertinya pria itu hanya butuh teman ngobrol. Masahiro begitu jauh dan Tori pasti sedang butuh seseorang untuk membantunya tak merasa begitu tertekan.

Karena itu Takuma meletakkan tangan di atas paha Tori, telapak tangan terbuka seolah mengundang untuk digenggam. Tanpa ragu, Tori menyambut. Digenggamnya dengan erat tangan Takuma dan meremas beberapa kali.

“Kitto, daijoubu yo ne.” ujarnya lirih dan sedikit bergetar.

Takuma mengangguk mantab, balas meremas tangan Tori. “Kitto. Daijoubu.”

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

[translation] Sairen, Hinata de Kagayaite

Fandom: Prince of Tennis The Musical 2nd Season
Cast: Ogoe Yuuki, Wada Takuma, Mitsuya Ryou
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Thriller, drama
Warning: BL, AU, crappy English
Disclaimer: I do not own anything and/or anyone. I even do not own the fic. All I do here is translating this wonderful fic written by Neitai. I am doing this on her permit so our wonderful friend, Asuka (who does not speak or read Bahasa Indonesia) can read Nei's fic. Every little changes is unintentional and done to make it a bit more make sense in English (at least, I tried to XD)
Note: Good heavens, I wish I can do a better job at translating this >_< Please forgive the grammar error and everything. Some conversation might be found weird but that is because I want to keep the original format Nei used. Any fault in this translation is purely mine.

Yuuki’s eyes fly open as his ears catch the faint sound of car engine stopping from next door; his body lay still on the bed without any intention to take a look. He knows it’s already so late and his neighbor has just come home. A long day, the boy thinks. Just like how it feels when Yuuki spend almost all day in English class.

Okaeri, Wada-san.

His feet reach for his slippers and he walk off the bed, sleepiness suddenly gone. Yuuki is pretty much accustomed to sleep early and waking up in the middle of the night, thanks to Takuma’s habit of returning home with his car engine still revving before entering the garage. After that, Yuuki guesses out of habit – that man will get out of the car, spinning his keys around and whistling some tune, turning his lights on, and then locking his door with two turns of locks.

Yuuki remembers them all.

If someone wants to get to know about him, Yuuki will readily introduce himself, gladly. After all, he’s only an ordinary high school student who happens to have Ogoe as his surname, likes the color red, and loves soccer. He also loves to snuggle up in the middle of the day so he can stay awake even before the sun shows itself, not that he has to catch the first bus, but more to the fact that he wants to enjoy the heavenly scene from his bedroom window that opens to his neighbor’s house, or to be specific, to Takuma’s bedroom.

It is the man’s habit, Yuuki thinks, to fall asleep with a slightly opened window and curtain that tied neatly on each sides of the window frames. With that arrangement, Takuma can wake up to the sunlight seeping through his room without having to set an alarm. And Yuuki uses this chance to stare back at how Takuma shifts under the blanket and sitting up without any clothes covering him.

Yuuki also knows that after that, Takuma will stay still for a while on the bed, his head thrown back and moving his shoulders to get rid of any soreness. His arm will grope around, looking for his pajama’s bottom, putting it on while standing, then moving around to loosen his muscles for three to five minutes before heading to the shower. Takuma will take more than thirty minutes inside and stepping out looking so fresh. 

Yuuki’s eyes are fixed to every detail, every morning. How every drop of water drips from Takuma’s hair and slides along his milky chest skin, how Takuma’s fingers pull the towel that draped around his waist and causing Yuuki to gasp, how Takuma reaches for the cologne bottle, spraying it to his palm and rubs it on his sexy nape and neck. Also at how Takuma, wearing only his brief, moving around preparing his outfit, putting on his suit, buttoning his shirt and tidying his tie, checking his hair then snatching his bag along with a couple of folders from the table top. Looking very dandy. Can not be missed.

Yuuki takes notes that the man never has breakfast at home, because when Yuuki passes by with his backpack toward the bus station, he still catches Takuma sitting at the cafe across the street, enjoying a smoked beef sandwich. Yuuki hides behind a parked car, pointing his cellphone while waiting for Takuma to finish eating then rushes in to the bus. With his earphone in place until he reaches the school’s gate, ready for any kind of things that he has to face with a wide smile. The distance between his school and Takuma’s workplace is within a stone’s throw. No reason to laze around.

Takuma will spend lunch in a dimsum restaurant not far from his office, the same with Yuuki who gets out on recess and trying so hard not to be seen by Takuma. Once or twice, the man will get out with a company, but most of the time, Yuuki sees him sitting alone at table number seven near the doorway. Day time is always Yuuki’s favorite time because he can see Takuma from a closer distance, at how the man mixes soy sauce with a little of doubanjang in a small plate, at how he separates his chopsticks using his teeth, at how he sniffs at the delicious aroma of hot dimsum until his nose is scrunched up cutely, or at how he nods his head in approval once he takes a bite of a shrimp hakau. If he was with a company, Yuuki can hear them joke, chat, laughing out loud and make a toast with pints of beers; nothing escapes Yuuki’s attention. No need to ask why, because Takuma’s laugh is the part that he waits for before the bell to the next session rings.

Thirty minutes to six in the evening, Takuma will go out playing billiard with a couple of his mates. Yuuki knows Takuma is quite skillful because once, he followed and took a peek for a moment; Yuuki didn’t get inside because he hates the smell of tobacco. At least, he could summarized that the man always get home late, like today; giving Yuuki enough time to do his homework, doing his house chores, and taking a bath. Also to lay for a while until he’s awake by a sound of car engine that is so familiar.

Tonight, as usual, he looks, enthusiastically from behind the tied curtain, at Takuma’s figure taking off his working suits one by one and going to the bathroom. Next, Yuuki’s eyes follow Takuma’s movement as he rubs his hair with a towel, a black boxer covering his waist, it looks even tighter as Takuma sits leaning on the bed, notebook on his lap and starts typing. Sometimes, the man will avert his eyes to the window, feeling like someone is looking at him. But Yuuki is faster, drawing himself into the darkness of his room, clutching tightly on the small binoculars he owns while waiting for Takuma to wave his hand dismissively and back typing again.

Never does Yuuki mind to be wake all night long just to look at Takuma, even though sometimes sleepiness attacks and Yuuki’s eyes droop slowly; but the scenes from across his window never cease to defeat those things, like being hypnotized. Yuuki is still so excited even though Takuma already closes his notebook and lay down, falling asleep so soundly. In Yuuki’s eyes, the dark of the night with a dash of moonlight only resulting in turning Takuma’s silhouette even more charming; a price that worthy of his postponed sleep.

Yuuki lowers his binoculars as he remembers, around a month ago when he made the time to drop by after cram school, making excuse that he lost his keys somewhere. Arming himself with wistful gaze that causes pity and Takuma let him taking a rest inside his room while the man prepared lunch. Enough time for Yuuki to plant several tiny wiretaps in some strategic spots. If he was lucky, at night, Yuuki can hear Takuma sighing in his sleep, dreaming about something he doesn’t know. Or sometimes, pleasuring himself until he reaches orgasm while catching Takuma’s moan as the man masturbates in the bathroom.  Even though he has to pant because he lets himself drawn too deep in pleasure, the feeling is too magnificent.

Taken aback from his reverie, Yuuki glances to his digital alarm clock. It’s three o’clock in the morning.

Once again taking a look at the man curling in his sleep in the room across his own, licking his own lip, then he lay himself on the bed. Fully aware that he only has less than four hours to sleep before he has to wake up and repeat his daily activities fully planned. 



”Yuuki-chan, ohayo!!” Takuma greets from behind the fence, a bright morning in a holiday. His smile blooms perfectly and doubles the charm of his handsome face. Yuuki is doing his school assignment on the patio when the man walks up to him, bringing a cup of coffee and Sunday paper, clad only in sleeveless shirt and cropped pants, “Homework? How hardworking~”

Yuuki throws him a sweet smile, putting down his pencil then pulling his very-short-blue-jeans-clad legs down, as well. Takuma eyebrows crease when his greeting is replied with, “Ohayo, Wada-san…” and unhappily points at Yuuki, “I’ve told you to call me Takuma.”

”But it’s not polite.”

The man laughs, ”Yuuki-chan is already like a little brother to me, I’ll be happier if you call me Takkun,” he cuts in, leaning his arm against the fence, ”Yuuki-chan’s been very busy lately, huh? I rarely see you around.”

Yuuki supports his chin with his elbow,”Hmm...I have exams this month, moreover, Wada-san, umh, I-I mean, Takkun is also busy with work, so we’re even,” he says while laughing a little, trying to break the tension and his own heart beat. A patch of Takuma’s chest skin is something not to be missed. “At least, Takkun looks happy, something good happened?”

Takuma rubs his nape bashfully,”Well, something good, another is not so good, which one do you want to hear first?”

”Eh, may I?”

”Here, Yuuki-chan, I always tells you everything, right?” he ruffles Yuuki’s hair. His lips turn slightly upward as he sees Yuuki’s fingers drawn up choosing the second option, “Umh, it’s a bit embarrassing, really but actually, I had an argument with my boyfriend.”

Yuuki’s forehead creases, a glimpse of someone with a pretty face Takuma once introduced him to, comes crossing his mind, ”Oh, a fight? What happened?”

”He said he’s tired of me paying not enough attention to our relationship. What can I do, my workload is huge, and I just got promoted to be staff of directors at my office.”

”Hontou? That’s the good news, right?” the pair of Yuuki’s eyes sparkles when Takuma nods, how Yuuki loves the tint of pink at the man’s line of nose every time he blushes. Yuuki will do everything to be able to see it, always.

 “That’s why I want to ask you something,” Takuma shifts, sitting himself beside him, crossing his legs and cuddling coffee cup in his hands, “does Yuuki know a real estate agent around here?”

Yuuki’s forehead winces, he’s trying to face a surprised look even though actually he can guess, because last night he recorded the conversation over the phone between the man and his coworker. And even though he could only hear Takuma’s voice, Yuuki could say that the man was asking some advice to ask his boyfriend to live under the same roof.

”Takkun wants to move?”

Takuma chuckles in embarassment, ”Well, I was thinking to keep this house and add another room at the upper level, but my boyfriend said that it’s too far from civilization. Perhaps if I fulfilled his wish, our relationship can come to a better term.”

The pencil in Yuuki’s hand moves, ”Takkun has the money to buy a new house?”

”Hmmm...I have some savings and I’m planning to add with what I get from selling this house, or maybe put it up for a re...”

”SELLING THE HOUSE?” Yuuki cuts in, he never heard about the house will be put for sale,”B, but that means I will never be able to meet Takkun again.”

Takuma’s arm reaches for his shoulder and pulls Yuuki closer with a laugh, ”Yuuki-chan, I’m only moving to another place, not going out of town or even overseas, therefore I’m asking if Yuuki-chan know about a real estate agent that’s close to the mainroad, you can reach it by bus, right? You know, just like going to school,” he rocks the stunned Yuuki. The blush on his face is not even gone when Takuma releases him. The corner of Yuuki’s mouth drawn downward; no, he doesn’t like that blushing expression this time.

A flick on his forehead makes Yuuki turn around, Takuma caresses his cheek while smiling, ”Yuuki-chan is not happy?”

Shrugging, Yuuki closes his book,”I will ask my friends.”

The man’s eyes automatically go alight,”Really? Oh my god, thank you very much!! Yuuki-chan is the best little brother in the world!! I know this is too sudden but I’m happy that you’re willing to help!!”, he kisses the wincing Yuuki’s cheek.

”What can I do, Takkun looks so happy. By the way, your boyfriend isn’t coming to talk about this? You both are about to move but Takkun’s the only one who’s busy?”

Takuma sips on his coffee that already turns cold, ”I don’t know, he hasn’t make any contact with me these three days, perhaps it’s better that I prepare everything so he can be a bit...umh, persuaded? I’m not good at seducing him, oh…wait a minute!!” his palm fishes inside his pants pocket and drawing out a familiar black cellphone, “He’s calling, excuse me, Yuuki-chan.”

The boy agrees, gazing at Takuma’s retreating to the terrace back and talking idly with someone Yuuki is sure as his boyfriend. The corner of his eye follows the movements of the man’s body, inch by inch. A happy smile performing on Takuma’s lips is telling Yuuki something.

“He said he will consider coming for dinner tonight,” Takuma tells without being asked when Yuuki blinks at him. He scratches his forehead, thinking, “Do I have to buy some flowers, as well?”

Yuuki peers curiously, ”What for?”

”As an apology and...” Takuma leans his chin against his cellphone, ”Who knows I can use this chance to propose to him.”

Mouth gaping open, Yuuki almost points his pencil to the man.

”Whoa! Takkun wants to get married? So soon!! Don’t tell me Takkun only wants a small celebration, I have to be invited!!” his knees pulled up excitedly, Takuma laughs. 

”If everything went according to plan, Yuuki-chan will be the first one to know,” he says, putting his phone back inside his pocket again, ”How about Yuuki-chan comes to dinner, too? I will cook the dinner, so you can taste it.”

Blinking, Yuuki arranges his books into one stack, “Can I?”

His eyes can’t leave the scene of Takuma’s Adam’s apple moving up and down while the man downs the content of his coffee cup, the man’s tongue licking the lips slightly, “Of course you can, perhaps you guys can meet and talk a bit more freely, that one time Yuuki-chan immediately went inside because you had to study, right?”

”Okay~” Yuuki winks, grabbing his books before heading for the door, ”Takkun can go back first, I’ll go change.”

Takuma nods and waves his hand until he reaches the fence, humming slowly oblivious to a pair of eyes glancing piercingly at him.




Yuuki stops sipping the sweet soda from a tall glass at Takuma’s kitchen island when the door bell rings; a beautiful young man is pressing the bell a couple of times, looking puzzled, but Yuuki doesn’t want to answer. He’s too busy cutting baked meat into thin pieces with knife and fork in his hands. The owner of the house just left to buy some salad ingredients after handing over the task to Yuuki (who whined that he wanted a box of cherry tomatoes, knowing Takuma never has fruits in his fridge). The supermarket that sells the fruit located quite far from the house, and at such hour Yuuki knows that the isles are pretty empty. Just as he thought.

”Good timing,” he whispers, letting the bell ringing once again then moving across the kitchen island. Licking hungrily at some meat sauce from his thumb and putting the knife he’s been holding on the cutting board.


The figure in front of the door jumps in surprised because he’s about to turn away when the door is opened.

“Oh yes. Umh, kimi dare?” Mitsuya raises an eyebrow, Yuuki smiles widely, arms outstretched. 

”Takkun’s boyfriend, right? I’m Yuuki, we’ve met once before over there, but maybe you don’t remember. Ah, please don’t be suspicious, I’m only a little brother, though I’m actually his next door neighbot,” Yuuki says, grimacing. He shakes Mitsuya’s hand warmly; the skin of the boy’s hand is as soft as silk. His whole appearance is graceful, a nice match to his glowing face.

”Yuuki...Yuuki, oooh yes yes, Takuma often told me about you. You really are as sweet as I thought. I’m Mitsuya Ryou, you can call me Micchi.”

Nodding, Yuuki releases his hands and looks around. He scratches his chin.

”Takkun said that you’d come, but he just left to buy some more meal ingredients,” he mumbles a little uncomfortably,”So why don’t you come in and wait inside? We can chat while waiting for Takkun.”

Mitsuya slips some strands of hair behind his ear, feeling a bit awkward, “If it’s not too much of a trouble.”

”Of course not. Takkun’s guest is also my guest, you don’t have to hesitate. The main dish is still in preparation, I’m still working on it, but there’s some canapĂ© and snacks. Come in,” he opens the door a little bit wider, giving permission for Mitsuya who steps in while clutching a small bag on his shoulder.

“Ojyama shimasu.”

”Make yourself at home,” Yuuki answers while heading straight to the kitchen after closing the door, looking at the baked meat in front of him and weighing the knife while smiling sweetly. He looks over his shoulder to Mitsuya who already sits inside the living room.

”Would you like some tea, or coffee?”




”Yuuki-chan, tadaima!” Takuma reaches for the door knob half panting, his hand holding a plastic bag full with a couple of boxes and juice cans. Yuuki greets him in the living room, chuckling a little at Takuma who’s sweating from running to avoid the rain. The rain is not heavy but enough to make his shoulder and face wet.

”Sorry, am I taking too long? The supermarket was so crowded and the line at the cashier was crazy, luckily Yuuki’s order was still available.”

”It’s okay, I’m also busy washing the utensils and everything. I barely notice,” Yuuki receives the bag from Takuma’s hand and tells the guy to come in before the wind blows too strongly. Then happily, he takes out the juice cans to be placed inside the cupboard while humming.

”Has my boyfriend arrived?”

Yuuki’s arm stops mid-air, his fingers wipe slowly over the cold dew on the shelf’s surface.

”Not yet.”

”What took him so long, does he forget?” Takuma shakes the water off his hair and takes off his shoes; his chiseled nose sniffs instinctively; the scent of strawberry and something sweet.

”Smells nice. Does Yuuki-chan wear perfume?”

The droplets from Takuma’s hair drops over the white skin of his face, the taken-off jacket reveals a thin white shirt that attached perfectly like a second skin due to dampness. Yuuki chews the inside of his mouth, the right corner of his mouth moves up.

”Your house reeked of food, so I sprayed some cologne that I brought.”

“Oh, is that so?” Takuma twists around, then heads over to the kitchen with both hands on his hips, scrutinizing the things laid on the table. Pasta, pieces of baked bread drizzled with parsley, plates of side dishes, and thinly cut baked meat. Yuuki moves from in front of the fridge, sipping from his juice can and walks over to Takuma who’s still looking. 

”Yuuki-chan, your shirt’s dirty,” he moves closer to Yuuki while reaching out his arm to touch a patch of small island shaped stain that looks very new, quite contrast to Yuuki’s bright yellow shirt. He touches it with the tip of his finger. Deep red.

Takuma’s eyebrows crease.

”What’s this?”

He’s about to sniff when Yuuki takes that fingers with both hands and enclose around it slowly, he licks Takuma’s finger and smiles wickledly.

”It’s just meat sauce~”

”O, oh...” Takuma nods, stuttering a bit,”Yuuki-chan should change clothes, you can wear mine.”

”Mmm, Takkun should change clothes, too; you’re wet all over.”

Takuma pulls on his own shirt and laughs,”I guess you’re right. Very well, let’s change our clothes. I’ll find something that fits you.”

”Takkun can go first; want me to make some drink for you?”

Takuma turns his back to Yuuki and walks over to his bedroom. With jacket thrown over an arm, he replies softly.


Yuuki smiles in return, the corners of his eyes worshiping the handsome figure from behind the strands of hair that falls before his forehead; wide shoulders, charming and sexy nape line, also his inviting waist. There will be no one who can hug that body except Yuuki. Takuma is his.

And his only.

”Would you like some tea...” Yuuki grins, “Or coffee?”

Monday, December 12, 2011

[fanfic] Partner

Fandom: Prince of Tennis The Musical 2nd Season
Cast: Kikuchi Takuya, Ise Daiki
Rating: PG-13
Warning: BL, AU, OOC
Disclaimer: I do not own anything
Note: gara2 Tacchin nyepam kemarin malam dan obrolan tak tentu arah sama Neitai XDDD Pendek aja dan maaf kalo gejeh.

Hawa dingin dari dalam kulkas menerpa kulit dada dan pundaknya yang tak tertutup baju. Kikuchi merinding sekilas sementara tangannya terulur, menjangkau ke dalam salah satu rak, dan menarik keluar sekaleng bir. Ditutupnya pintu kulkas dengan kaki sementara tangannya sibuk berkutat membuka bir itu. Beberapa tegukan dan pemuda jangkung itu menghela nafas lega dengan keras. Memang tak ada yang lebih nikmat selain bir dingin setelah berendam air hangat.

Kaki jenjangnya membawanya ke ruang depan apartemennya. Satu tangannya sibuk menggosok rambut dengan sehelai handuk yang tersampir di pundak. Dengan pose sedikit jumawa, ia berdiri di dekat sofa yang sudah dihuni pemuda berambut gelap yang tengah tengkurap; membaca novel sambil mengudap kripik kentang.

Menyadari bayangan yang jatuh di atas novelnya, Daiki mengangkat kepala dan nyengir setelah memperhatikan pemuda jangkung di hadapannya sekilas. "Nice undies," komentarnya.

Kikuchi mengarahkan pandang ke bawah, pada celana boxer berwarna hijau bermotif kunang-kunangnya lalu balas nyengir. Diperhatikannya TV yang menyala dan memutuskan kalau acara TV-nya sama sekali tak menarik. Kedua bahunya dikedikkan acuh. Diputarinya sofa mungil itu dan ditendangnya kaki Daiki supaya pemuda itu mau bergeser untuk memberinya tempat. Dilesakkannya pantatnya ke sofa dan memutar matanya saat Daiki, alih-alih bergeser, malah menukar posisinya dengan merebahkan kepala di paha Kikuchi.

"Aku bukan bantal, oi!" Protesnya sambil menjangkau remote TV dan menekan tombol, mencari acara yang lebih menarik untuk ditonton.

"Jangan pelit. Tsunenori saja tak keberatan kalau aku begini," Daiki menggembungkan pipinya sementara tangannya terulur menjejalkan beberapa potong keripik ke dalam mulut Kikuchi.

Pemuda jangkung itu memberontak dan menepis tangan Daiki. Diambilnya kepingan-kepingan keripik dari tangan Daiki dan mengunyah sendiri. Tak lupa memukul kening Daiki dengan keras. Daiki mengusap-usap keningnya dengan sebal meski tak bisa menahan cengiran yang timbul karena melihat sudut-sudut bibir Kikuchi yang tertarik membentuk cengiran pula.

"Mereka memang membuat iri ya," ujar Kikuchi kemudian, membiarkan Daiki bergelung nyaman di sebelahnya.

Daiki mengangkat alis. "Kenapa tiba-tiba?"

Kikuchi mengedikkan bahu, "I'm just saying."

"Heeee," Daiki mengangkat tubuhnya, duduk menghadap teman dekatnya itu seraya memeluk kedua lututnya. "Kau serius naksir Akazawa?" Tanyanya jahil.

Kikuchi memukul kepalanya sekali lagi. "Jangan sembarangan kalau bicara."

"Habis," Daiki mengulum cengirannya kali ini. Sedetik kemudian, ia menutup mulutnya dengan dramatis, "Jangan-jangan kau naksir Tsunenori?"

Sekali lagi, kepala Daiki menerima pukulan. Kali ini lebih keras. "Kubilang jangan sembarangan kalau bicara. Aku memang tampan dan tak ada seorang pun yang bisa menolakku, tapi naksir sahabat sendiri itu sama sekali tak ada dalam kamusku, tahu."

Daikio mencibir, masih tak rela kepalanya dipukul berkali-kali. Kepalanya dimiringkan, menatap sosok samping wajah Kikuchi yang tampan. Sebuah cengir jahil kembali menempati sudut-sudut bibirnya.

Kikuchi mengerjap saat sepasang lengan melingkari pundaknya dan tiba-tiba saja Daiki sudah duduk di pangkuannya. Wajahnya begitu dekat dan Kikuchi tak sempat mengeluarkan protes apapun saat Daiki menciumnya. Kedua lengannya yang panjang balas memeluk pinggang Daiki dan menariknya mendekat.

Getar tawa Daiki merambati telinga dan tenggorokannya dan Kikuchi balas menyeringai. Dibalasnya tiap kecupan dan pagutan mesra di bibirnya lalu berpindah menghujani rahang dan leher Daiki dengan kecupan ringan.

"So," Daiki berdeham karena merasa suaranya agak serak, "I could consider myself lucky that even though we're friends, I get to do these kind of things with you?"

Kikuchi menggigit kulit di bawah dagu Daiki, "Don't get cocky. I can throw you out anytime if you get ahead of yourself."

Daiki tertawa pelan dan kembali mencium temannya itu. "Oh, even if you did, I know you can't stay away from me for too long. After all, we're partners in crime."

Kikuchi nyengir. "We are, indeed."


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

[fanfic] Daishuuryou/Takeru - Bound part 2

Fandom: Kamen Rider Decade/Samurai Sentai Shinkenger
Pairing: Daishuuryou/Shiba Takeru, Kadoya Tsukasa/Shiba Takeru
Rating: R
Warning: BL, AU, OOC, crappy english
Disclaimer: I do not own anything and/or anyone. No harm intended
Note: So, yeah, the Bound fic has evolved LOL and this is for you who are still interested of what is going to happen between the two. 

Takeru opens his eyes. It is morning by the look of it. The room is bright from the sunlight that comes in from the big circular window. Takeru squints and looking away from the blinding light. He closes his eyes again, trying to figure out what happened the night before. His body feels sore all over even though Daishuuryou was being somewhat gentle to him. His words, though, breaks everything inside Takeru.

So Jii, Ryuunosuke, Chiaki, Mako and Kotoha are dead? He remembers vaguely seeing their bodies in between ruins and other bodies. He still can remember Ryuunosuke reaching out his hand to him when they took him. He still remember Genta being the only one who was still standing, fighting. But everything is so vague. Takeru barely can decide if all of those are his memory or just a dream.

Takeru hates war. Always. But the war against Chimatsuri Doukoku was necessary. They did not have any choice. They had to fight. 

And Daishuuryou...

He doesn't know what to think of him and his army. Or whether the war is really necessary. Or why they had to go to that war.

Tsukasa. Takeru has always known him by that name. But that faithful day, he came by the name of Daishuuryou. Takeru was so baffled and everything just tumbling around him. People to save. A battle to won. Friends or foes to decide which side they are on. It was confusing. It is still confusing.

And here he is. Lying on the huge bed. Alone. 

Yes. Alone. A feeling that Takeru is so familiar with. He's always alone all of his life. Since they told him that he had to be the shadow head of the Shiba clan and since his father died that night. He was alone to go through all of the study and education. Sometimes he wept in his sleep. Jii was kind and a very good and nurturing tutor as well as mentor but Takeru could never convey his feelings to the old man. It was fun when Genta came around until he had to leave one night to follow his father. And Takeru was alone again. 

When the other four came and Genta was back, Takeru was already used to keep everything to himself. Even after everything was out in the open and they knew about him being kage, even after the acceptance and his official appointment to be the real 19th head of Shiba clan, there is always a tinge of loneliness that he can not seems to avoid.

So hearing those words from Daishuuryou, that his friends are all gone, Takeru easily slips in to that feeling, welcoming it like an old friend and embrace it like an old comfort blanket. 

He decides to wake up. His stomach is protesting softly, after all. He's silent for a while, noticing the silver chain around his ankle. It jingles softly, like a distant and mythical music to his ear. He sighs, dragging his naked body to get out of the bed. Food is ready on the table near the window and Takeru has to blush for the fact that other people may see him naked on the bed. He doesn't even know why he doesn't bother to look for anything to cover his body. The sunlight is so warm and he enjoys it. Furthermore, he is alone in that room.

He perches on the daybed and noticing that the food and tea are still warm and very inviting. He eats in silence while from a distance, he can hear voices. He ignores them and continue eating. He lays on the daybed, turning his head toward the huge window and looking at the blue sky. He wonders what if he walk up to that window, what will he see from there. Or how it feel if he jumps out of it.

He chuckles at the thought. Suicide is a cowardice. If Takeru wanted to end his life, he might as well do it another way. Like engaging himself in what seems like an endless battle with Juzou. But Juzou is also gone. He was one of a kind and Takeru has this strange feeling that he will never encounter another person who has the same wicked passion like the man-gedou. So, suicide is not an option. Really. Or maybe he'll consider it some other time.

He takes a bath. Only then that he realizes how big the tub is. He can stretch his legs as far as he can and his toes still hasn't meet the other end. He lowers his body until half of his face is drown into the warm water. This time, the water smells like lavender again. His eyes catch the glittery line on the tub's wall. The silver chain. Takeru touches it with his fingertips. He wonders how far it can go. He tries to give it a yank but it only results in him hurting his ankle than damaging the chain.

He dons a new kimono. Still red in colour. He wonders if it's on purpose to fit the colour of the entire room. If it is, that only means that he is now worth no more than the furniture in the room. Takeru smiles bitterly. He tightens his obi and wanders to the daybed again. He doesn't know how long he's laying there and staring at the sky before he falls asleep again.


Something awake him. A feeling. A touch. Takeru opens his eyes and bites his lips to prevent the soft moan that already performing there.

Daishuuryou flashes him a devious grin. "You're here with my dinner. Might as well I help myself."

Takeru kicks his shoulder. "I am not your dinner." he retorts sharply.

Daishuuryou catches his leg, his long fingers claw around his ankle. Takeru hisses because the chain brushes against the torn skin there. He kicks with his other leg. Daishuuryou catches it, too. Easily, without much effort. "Feisty." He comments. Takeru bucks, trying to move away but both of his ankles are already in Daishuuryou's hands. The other man holds them and ties them together with the chain. He bodily strangles Takeru and brings the chain to bind Takeru's wrists. 

"I might not have to do this if you don't fight, ShinkenRed-san." Daishuuryou purrs, looking so satisfied with Takeru's state; bind and curling under him. 

Takeru fixes his eyes with Daishuuryou's. "Why did you not kill me?" His voice is somewhat calm, suppressing rage and covered with curiosity.

"Have I said that I don't have to explain things to you?" Daishuuryou scowls. He pulls back and sits in front of Takeru. He reaches for food and starts eating.

Takeru turns away, facing the window. The sun is setting, turning the sky crimson. "Did you kill my friends?"

A silence.

"No." Daishuuryou answers lightly. "My subordinates did."

Takeru opens his mouth but closes them again. He doubles up, pressing his knees to his chest and hugging them in his arms.The chain jiggles. 

"It sounds nice." Daishuuryou says but Takeru doesn't react to that. He yelps when Daishuuryou pulls him roughly to him. His back bumps against Daishuuryou's chest and the chain is yanked. Takeru hisses as the chain tears his skin again. He can see crimson around his ankles and wrist.

Daishuuryou brings his face close to Takeru's. So close to Takeru's liking but he doesn't utter a word. He only shifts away but Daishuuryou bites his neck. Takeru can feel some teeth dig deep into his skin and flesh. It doesn't really hurt but Takeru suspects at least a mark is now there where Daishuuryou bites him. He hisses again.

"Why are you fighting, ShinkenRed-san?" Daishuuryou whispers. Ever so softly. "You have nothing nor anyone to fight." Ever so logical.

Takeru looks away, only revealing more skin for Daishuuryou to lick and bite. Takeru gasps sharply. "I do not know." he whispers. He doesn't know either why he answers him.

"Stop fighting. Stop trying. It's not worth it." Daishuuryou whispers again. This time right in front of his ear before planting a kiss there. 

Takeru is sobbing. "It's not worth it." He echoes.

"It isn't." Daishuuryou agrees with a smile.

When Daishuuryou takes him, practically driving himself into Takeru without any hesitation even proper preparation, Takeru no longer resist him. He just gasps and sobs silently. His mind is blank and he can't think of anything really. His shattered world is now completely gone. 


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

[fanfic] Bound - an excerpt

Rating: R
Disclaimer: Own nothing!
Warning: BL, AU, OOC, crappy English
Note: Ini excerpt dari fanfic Bound yg dulu itu. Sebenernya ada niatan ini mau dijadiin proyek NaNoWriMo gue tapi gue sama sekali gak kepikiran gimana caranya bikin cerita frustrating kaya gini jadi 50ribu kata. Yang ada gue makin stress XD dan karena ini excerpt, maafkan kalo agak gejeh ya. Nanti setelah NaNo mungkin, MUNGKIN, akan gue rapiin dan selesaiin. Tapi kayanya gue akan ngurusin kawinan bakappuru di sana yang jadinya tertunda karena NaNoWriMo *siap2 ditabrak dan disruduk*

Daishuuryou is still not being gentle with him. Sometimes he's even rougher and forces himself to Takeru without warning. Once every other day, he will stay in the room and not letting Takeru sleep or even has a shut eye. Those are the days that he enters the room with annoyed look and rage. After the third time, Takeru suspects something is happening out there and Daishuuryou is not approved of whatever it is.

Takeru always end up losing his conciousness and finds the bruise on his body accumulating. Every time he embraces the pain. At least, it's a familiar feeling. 

The last time, Daishuuryou is fucking him like he's possessed. He's not holding back and lashing out all of his anger to Takeru. Almost strangling and choking him. Takeru struggles and try to escape but Daishuuryou is too strong and the chain binds him tighter. Somewhere in the middle, Takeru passes out and waking up only to find that even an unconscious companion is not a problem for him. Takeru smells blood. His blood. This time, the pain is excruciating and Takeru screams.

He doesn't know what's stopping Daishuuryou in the end. He just stop, leaving Takeru on the messy bed; exhausted, torn, bruised, bleeding and broken.

Two slaves tend to his bruises. The torn skin where the silver chain has hurt him from yanking and too much struggling, the bluish spots on his upper arm, near the neck, chest, stomach, thigh and every where else. They soak healing herb to his bath water to sooth the pain and make him drink potions. Daishuuryou is not happy with the smell of the herb, potions and ointment and leave Takeru alone for days.

Takeru is somewhat lost in the big room. He just lie on the bed, not moving. He lets his body takes as much rest as it can get and taking time to heal. He forces himself to eat and not let himself dehydrate. But even moving from the bed to the daybed is too much for his body. So once he reaches one place, he prefers not to move again for a very long time.

He sleeps. A lot. Dozing here and now. Flashes of dreams and maybe memories. Sometimes he replays in his mind, the daily life back in Shiba mansion. Waking up before sunrise, sword practise and calligraphy, breakfast, more practice and then Chiaki will whine for them to go out or visiting Genta's cart, then they will be back at the mansion for evening practice, dinner, bath and then discussing things with Jii over tea and some sweets. Sometimes he will stay up late, reading or maybe meditating. Takeru is careful to maintain that he is always alert and in good shape. He is, after all, the 19th head of the Shiba clan. Some other times, he stays up very late or ends up not sleeping at all. Some times he even skip the entire day. Those are the times when Tsukasa comes to the mansion. Sometimes with his friends. Most of the times, alone.  

He feels happy, even though only a little bit. At least, he can close his eyes and not seeing bad strange dreams and the corner of his mouth is slightly curved upward into a smile. A small, almost invincible smile. Sometimes, the fond memory hurts, more than the physical pain, even more than the sadness. And that always makes him weep pitifully.  

The emptiness grows bigger whenever he wipes his tears away. 

And Daishuuryou's not even there to distract him from the emptiness.

It's tragic but it's sadly true. The pain Daishuuryou causes him always manage to make him empty his mind and focuses on the pain instead of any other feelings and thoughts he might be having. At least, that way, he has no time to think or feel anything but the pain. 


Takeru feels a hand touching his arm and caressing gently. He opens his eyes and sees Daishuuryou there, standing beside the daybed with a frown on his forehead. Takeru coughs a little.

"You're warm." Daishuuryou states and Takeru is not answering. He's been in high fever for two days but he refuses to be lead to the bed by the slaves who take care of him. He wants to be near to the window so he can see the sky and doze and daydream. He shifts away from Daishuuryou's touch, even though weakly. He eyes the sky again and doesn't bother when he feels the space near his feet sinks a little. 

"Have you eaten?" Daishuuryou asks again.

Takeru nods this time.

"Do they give you medicine?"

Another nod. The next second, he feels a pair of strong arms under his knees and his arms and his body is lifted from the daybed. Takeru yelps.

"No." he protests.

"You should be on the bed."

His hand touched Daishuuryou's chest and he grasps the black fabric of Daishuuryou's clothes under his palm. He shakes his head. "No. I want to stay here."

"I can't manage to let you be any sicker."

Takeru blinks at his master. Daishuuryou wears an annoyed look. But Takeru won't fool himself by thinking that Daishuuryou is worried over him. Takeru averts his eyes side ways and whispers. "Please."

Daishuuryou is silent and then he put Takeru back on the daybed. Takeru sighs and rests his arm over his forehead. His fever is getting better, actually. He blinks again as Daishuuryou covers him with warm blanket and takes place beside him. He pulls Takeru closer and wraps his arms around Takeru.

The samurai is baffled. He blinks several time but bites his lips so he won't make any comment on the loving gesture. Daishuuryou may not be thinking anything for his actions. Takeru is his and Daishuuryou doesn't look like the type of guy who will like it to lose his possession. So Takeru stays silent. He can't do anything, either. He shifts, lifting up his eyes to look at the sky. 

It's not blue today. A bit grey, instead. The clouds are hanging heavily and ready to pour out rain. Takeru wonders how high this room is because he's sure he can almost see some thunder inside the cloud. 

The hold around him tightens a bit. Takeru shifts so he won't get crush and that only means to move closer against Daishuuryou's chest. A couple of time and unconsciously, he find his breathing is matching Daishuuryou's rhythm. He falls asleep again.


AND DONE FOR TODAY! Back to my NaNoWriMo!! 28.000 and counting~ ORZ

[drabble] Tsukasa/Takeru - Voice

Fandom: Kamen Rider Decade, Samurai Sentai Shinkenger
Cast: Kadoya Tsukasa, Shiba Takeru
Rating: PG-13
Warning: BL. Crappy English
Disclaimer: I do not own anything and/or anyone
Note: Because someone is practically screaming that she wants to read something from me again so, despite the NaNoWrimo and all, this one is dedicated to her. So short, tho. This is all I can managed for the time being :D :D

Takeru blinks and stares at the tall boy before him. "What?"

Tsukasa raises an eyebrow but still maintain the cocky smile he wears on his lips. "I didn't say anything."

"You didn't but why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?"

"That!" Takeru blushes and averts his eyes somewhere else. He tugs on his hakama nervously.

Tsukasa laughs. "I always look at you like this. Whatever that is that you mean of me looking at you like this."

Takeru pouts and Tsukasa thinks it as adorable so he leans forward and kisses Takeru's cheek.

"Tsukasa!" Takeru hisses, becomes more scandalous every second because his friends are there, too. True, Ryuunosuke-tachi are practicing and maybe doesn't pay any attention to them but, still. Takeru has his head bowed and inches away from his friend.

Tsukasa moves, not letting any distance to appear between them and now is even closer than before. Takeru tries to push him away but they boy is not even flinching. Tsukasa is grinning widely and leans sideways to nuzzle Takeru's ear with his lips, ever so seductively whispering something to him. Takeru stiffens, Tsukasa's warm breath is wafting across his skin and smacks the boy's head without mercy. 

Tsukasa takes a revenge. His hand lands on Takeru's nape and kisses Takeru hotly on the lips.

"WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING?" Ryuunosuke shouts from the yard.

"I really like your voice."

Monday, October 31, 2011

[fanfic] Kazuki/Takuya - Sleep In

Fandom: Prince of Tennis Musical
Cast: Katou Kazuki, Yabuki Takuya
Rating: PG-13
Warning: BL, AU, OOC
Disclaimer: I do not own and/or ever claim owning anything and/or anyone
Note: Written in English and not turning out the way I wanted it to be. Meh. But I hope you still can enjoy this.

NaNoWriMo, here I coooooooooooooooooooooooooooome!!!

Sleeping in is never something that Kazuki takes as a luxury. He never does that in the 41 years of his life. Days that he has to sleep in are always days when he’s really sick. Like, really, really sick he can’t even manage to lift his head from the pillow which, turns out to be, only happened once every five years or so. Except for that particular day when he was still in his second year in college and his older brother kind of kidnapped him because Kubota was craving of a fresh baked croissant from this certain bakery in Paris and he did not want to go alone. Well, it hardly counts as ‘sleeping in’ but, still. 

Katou Kazuki, 41 years old, always the hard worker, diligent and takes rules as a serious business. 

However, when he gets up this morning, for the first time in his life, he finds out that sleeping in is okay. 

He wakes up to the sound of his alarm clock. As usual, his arm stretched out to turn the damned thing off, tossing around for five minutes and…. Usually, he will immediately get out of bed and get ready but this time, a certain source of pleasant warm in the form of his boyfriend snuggling up against his back prevents him from moving. He turns around and blinks at how Takuya shifts even closer to him. Like an instinct and like it’s very natural to do.

They haven’t done many nights together and it’s saying something for they have been dating for more than a year now. Work and school and schedule that never really match come in between. Now that he thinks about it, those things never should be a reason. Take his brothers, for example. Kubota is currently not dating anyone but he’s quite devoted to visit that friend of his once in a while and now, Hosogai-kun is pretty much taking all of Kubota’s time. Ryuuji, ever the playboy that he is, treats whoever he’s dating at the moment like treating a princess. Masahiro practically lives in Matsuzaka’s apartment once they started going out. The boy seldom spends his time at home in the last two years.

Sometimes, he does feel like he’s not treating Takuya right. True that Takuya never really complains but there are times when Kazuki does feel that way. He loves the boy for a really long time and maybe, just maybe, it’s about time that he gives himself a hard kick in the ass and actually does something about them.

His heart skips a beat when those big eyes flutters and opens wide in front of him. He practically sees a spark in those deep pools of brown when Takuya smiles sleepily and muttering a “Good morning,” to him.

Kazuki smiles back, trying hard to calm his heart that starts to beat a little bit louder and for silently ordering the butterflies in his stomach to stay calm. “Good morning,” he greets back and kisses the tip of Takuya’s nose softly.

“What time is need?” Takuya asks sleepily. 

Kazuki peers to the alarm clock through his shoulder. “Almost six.”

“Hmm,” is the only respond Takuya makes and he shifts again, naturally closing his eyes again. Kazuki laughs softly and caresses Takuya’s smooth cheek with his finger. 

“Don’t you have class today?”

Takuya groans lazily and sounds a bit whiny. “Don’t want to.”

“Skipping class won’t do you any good, you know.”

Small frown appears on Takuya’s forehead and he opens his eyes again with an annoyed look. “You know, I really don’t want to hear that from you. Such a morning ruiner.”

Kazuki frowns in confuse. “I just don’t want you to do something reckless.”

“Do I ever?” Takuya is obviously awake now and seriously annoyed, too. He shifts away from Kazuki and turns his back to him. The older man blinks in total bewilderment.

“Kuu-chan?” he calls out softly and carefully as he reaches out to touch Takuya’s back. “Sorry. Was it something I say?”

Takuya rolls his eyes without Kazuki knowing. He knows Kazuki doesn’t mean to be so patronizing and he’s just being himself. And strangely enough, Takuya likes him for that. After a moment of silent, Takuya turns around and shakes his head. “No, sorry. You go get ready.” He tells Kazuki softly.

However, Kazuki doesn’t buy that. He stays and not moving, looking intently at his boyfriend. Takuya is looking at him, too. The older man finally gives up and pulls Takuya into an embrace.

“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to sound like Takumi.” He whispers into Takuya hair and kisses him there.

“Actually, you don’t. Papa never told me to get up early and go to school. It’s always Konii’s job.” Takuya relates.

“Okay, so I sounded like Konishi-san? Is that even worse?”

Takuya has to laugh on that. “A little bit.” He says and kisses Kazuki lovingly. He can do nothing to change Kazuki and he never intend to. He moves closer to his boyfriend again, lining up his body with Kazuki’s and even go bolder as slipping a leg between Kazuki’s as he wraps his arms around Kazuki’s shoulder.

Kazuki groans softly, opening his mouth to welcome Takuya’s kiss and kissing him back. The alarm in his head goes off when something stirs on the lower part of his abdomen. “We’re going to be late.” He mumbles in to a kiss and wincing the next second because Takuya bites his lip.

“Seriously, Kazuki.” The pretty boy grunts under his breath. With a gentle push, he settles himself on top of Kazuki. “How do you even think when we’re doing this?” He mumbles again before deepening the kiss. 

But of course he’s not thinking of anything. How could he when Takuya comfortably and deliciously latches his body against him like this? How could he when Takuya’s lips that kissing him is so soft and sweet and practically inviting Kazuki to taste and claim as his own? How could he when Takuya is innocently yet so erotically moaning into their kiss like this?

Takuya chuckles a little, even though there’s a shade of pink already taking residence on his cheeks, when something hard and warm pokes his thigh. He kisses his man again. Gingerly and lovingly this time. Kazuki shifts away when Takuya rubs his knee against his groin. Takuya makes a face at him and Kazuki is really at a loss how he should react to that. He caresses Takuya’s back lovingly and pulling him closer before backing away.

Breathlessly, he nuzzles Takuya’s nose, “I never skipped a day before.” Kazuki mutters. Then he blinks because Takuya blinks, too and looking at him with a surprised look and almost laughing, he suspects. 

“What?” Takuya has to ask the question.

“Well,” Kazuki licks his own lip, “this is… new, I guess. I never, not even once in my life skipping a day to just, you know… sleeping in.”

Takuya looks really amused. “Are you suggesting for us to take a day off, now, Kazuki? Really?”

Kazuki shrugs. “We’re already really late.” He states matter-of-factly.

Takuya shrugs, too. “I don’t know. We can always make it in time if we rush.”

“But you are so warm.”

Takuya laughs out loud this time. Lovingly, he cuddles Kazuki’s head and kisses him again. “You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, Kazuki. I wasn’t implying anything, you know. You have your job and responsibility and I understand that. I no longer mind.”

Kazuki frowns. “It’s okay. I can still do my work from home.”

Takuya raises his eyebrows. 

“I mean, later. When I really need to do them, of course.” Kazuki quickly adds.

“Honestly, Kazuki. If you feel you have to go, then go.” Takuya insists.

“No, it’s okay. It’s really okay.” Kazuki replies, a little bit too quickly.


Kazuki winces. “I don’t know.” He finally admits. “But I think it’s not entirely bad to do something like this once in a while. I mean, many people do this, right?”

Takuya nods. 

“And if I get to spend the whole day with you, I think this is not bad, at all.” Kazuki says, looking straight into Takuya’s eyes and his tone is so determined and sure. “We never spend all day together before and I think that’s not right. I mean, I intend to marry you next year and it’s just ridiculous that we never do that. I mean, spending a day together. Do you understand what I mean?”

Takuya blushes and averts his eyes coyly. “We can do that on Sundays. Or, you know, find a day that you’re actually free.” He mumbles. “And it’s not like we never go out for a date. We did have a date, remember?”

“True, but only after I finish my work or I have to go back to work at the end of the day.” Kazuki states again. Then he looks at his boyfriend carefully. “Or, you actually don’t want to?”

“No, no. Of course not!” Takuya cuts in quickly. “I just…” He brings his eyes to the same level as Kazuki and looks at him. What can he do, really? This is Kazuki and for the nth times that morning, Takuya finds that he loves him for what he is. 

Kazuki smiles wide, when Takuya pushes him and settles himself on top of him. Very warm and lovely, still looking a bit sleepy and his smile is so, so beautiful Kazuki has to struggle to find his breath again and kissing him ever so lovingly. 

“I’d love to skip today.” Takuya whispers to his ear and Kazuki smiles.

“Just… maybe try not to make a habit out of this?” He says after placing a kiss on Takuya’s cheek.

Takuya laughs and with a defeated sighs, he grinds his hip against Kazuki’s because the man really, really should to be taught of some things. 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

[fanfic] Tsune/Tomoru -

Fandom: Prince of Tennis Musical 2nd Season
Cast: Aoki Tsunenori, Akazawa Tomoru
Rating: NC-17
Warning: BL, AU, OOC, NSFW
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Note: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NEI!!! *kecup basah*

Tsune sudah nyaris tertidur saat Tomoru meletakkan secangkir kopi panas di hadapannya. Matanya mengerjap pelan dan tersenyum samar, malas bergerak dari posisinya yang bersandar dengan nyaman di sudut sofa ruang tamu apartemen Tomoru. Entah apa yang dicampurkan Tomoru dalam masakannya untuk makan malam mereka tadi, yang jelas sekarang Tsune merasa sangat kenyang, nyaman dan mengantuk. Matanya menutup kembali saat dirasakannya bantalan sofa melesak pelan. Tomoru mengambil tempat di sampingnya, kedua kakinya dilipat di depan dada dan memandang Tsune dengan geli.

“Capek sekali?” tanyanya sambil iseng menusuk pipi Tsune.

Tsune bergumam pelan. “Aku ngantuk. Sejak kapan ya sofa Ena ini terasa senyaman ini?”

Tomoru terkikik geli. ”Bilang saja kalau mengantuk, dong. Kan tak perlu kubuatkan kopi.” Ujung jarinya kali ini menusuk bagian samping tubuh Tsune sampai pemuda itu menggeliat menjauh dan membuka matanya. 

”Aku belum mau tidur,” jawab Tsune sambil menangkap jari Tomoru dan menggenggamnya kemudian menutup matanya lagi.

Tomoru kembali terkikik geli. Matanya yang besar mengerjap, menatap wajah tampan Tsune dengan penuh minat. Wajahnya bersemu merah saat tiba-tiba Tsune membuka mata dan balas menatapnya. Mau berpura-pura melihat ke arah lain tapi Tsune sudah bergerak lebih dulu dan mencuri satu kecupan dari bibirnya. Mata hitam-birunya berkilat jahil, sama dengan cengiran yang menghiasi bibir Tsune. Pun hanya bisa menyentuh bibirnya sendiri karena masih terkejut dan menatap Tsune menegakkan duduknya untuk meminum kopinya. Lagi-lagi Tomoru hanya bisa memandang uap tipis yang menguar samar dari gelas kopi, ditiup perlahan oleh Tsune dan untuk sesaat terlihat seperti membingkai tepi wajah Tsune.

Tomoru menahan nafas. Sekian bulan sejak terakhir kali mereka bertemu dan Tomoru selalu nyaris lupa bahwa Tsune terlihat sangatlah tampan dilihat dari jarak sedekat itu. Dadanya berdebar dan perutnya serasa seperti diaduk-aduk. Tsune melirik ke arahnya dari balik helaian poni yang jatuh menutupi nyaris setengah sisi wajahnya. Tomoru yakin jantungnya berhenti beberapa detik. 

Tomoru pun beringsut mendekat. Sesaat ia ragu untuk merebahkan kepala di pundak Tsune sebelum Tsune tersenyum padanya. Perasaan salang tingkah dan tak karuan itu pun lenyap entah ke mana dan Tomoru bersandar manja ke bahu Tsune, nyaris menyurukkan wajahnya ke lekuk leher Tsune. 

Ia rindu sekali.

Senyum Tsune berkembang makin lebar. “Aku juga.” Ucapnya pelan dan Tomoru terkikik tersipu karena tanpa sadar menyuarakan perasaannya. Tsune menunduk agar ia bisa memandang Tomoru dan dikejutkan oleh Tomoru yang kali ini memberanikan diri untuk mencuri kecupan darinya. Tomoru mengedikkan bahu penuh arti dan menarik tengkuk dengan sebelah tangan. Tsune membuka bibirnya dengan suka rela, membiarkan Tomoru menciumnya dan mendengkur pelan.

Mereka bertukar pandang sesaat, tersenyum seolah mengerti apa yang ingin disampaikan tanpa perlu berkata-kata. Tsune menyelipkan lengan ke pinggang Tomoru dan Tomoru pun beringsut ke pangkuan Tsune sambil kembali menciumnya. Kali ini Tsune balas mencium dengan antusias, bergantian memagut, menjilat, menggigit dan mengulum. Jari-jari Tomoru menyelip ke dalam helaian rambut hitam Tsune, membelai lembut dan mengusap dengan sayang. Tubuhnya menurut saat Tsune kembali bersandar dengan nyaman ke punggung sofa, membawa Tomoru lebih dekat dan lebih rapat padanya. 

Telapak Tsune yang besar dan hangat mengelus lembut punggung dan sisi tubuh Tomoru. Sesekali turun ke bawah untuk meremas bokong kekasihnya itu, membuat Tomoru mengerang pelan dan menciumnya lebih dalam dan lebih bersemangat. Pemuda berambut kecoklatan itu pun tertawa tersipu saat merasakan sesuatu yang hangat dan keras menusuk bagian dalam pahanya. Tsune mengangkat alis, ikut tertawa pelan dan menggerakkan pinggulnya sedikit karena mengetahui hal yang sama pun juga terjadi pada Tomoru. Erangan Tomoru tepat di depan bibirnya membuat Tsune makin bersemangat dan kantuknya pun hilang entah kemana.

Tersengal pelan, Tomoru menyandarkan keningnya pada kening Tsune. Sesekali lidahnya menjilat bibir bawahnya. Tsune menyentuhkan ibu jarinya ke bibir tipis Tomoru yang kini begitu merah. Diusapnya pelan dan lembut seperti takut bibir itu akan terluka. Tomoru tersenyum dan kembali nafasnya tercekat saat mendapati Tsune menatapnya dengan penuh cinta. Tanpa banyak kata, Tomoru berdiri dan mengulurkan tangan ke arah Tsune yang menyambut dengan senyum miring dan membimbing mereka ke kamar tidur. 

Tanpa buang-buang waktu, mereka saling menanggalkan pakaian masing-masing. Bukan pekerjaan yang sulit mengingat mereka hanya mengenakan kaus dan celana olahraga. Tomoru baru saja hendak menarik lepas celana dalamnya tapi Tsune sudah mendorongnya ke tempat tidur dan menindihnya. Tomoru tertawa pelan dan menyambut ciumannya tanpa banyak komentar.

Seperti biasa, tiap kali mereka bertemu dan bercumbu, Tsune memperlakukan Tomoru dengan begitu lembut. Tentu saja, Tsune selalu punya alasan untuk itu. Frekuensi pertemuan yang dalam setahun bisa dihitung dengan jari, membuat Tsune tak pernah merasa ada perlunya untuk buru-buru. Tiap kali mereka bercumbu, Tsune selalu merasa seperti mereka kembali lagi ke awal. Mengenal lagi, mencari tahu lagi, mengingat-ingat apa yang tak disuka atau apa yang membuat mereka lupa diri. Tiap sentuhan, tiap kecupan, satu per satu ditanamkannya baik-baik dalam ingatannya.

Sebut saja dia egois kalau menjawab tak tahu apakah Tomoru pun merasakan hal yang sama tapi pacar tercintanya itu sama sekali tak pernah memprotes. Mungkin juga tak sempat karena perhatiannya sudah dialihkan oleh Tsune pada hal lain yang lebih penting saat itu. Seperti berkonsentrasi karena Tsune tengah mengecupi seluruh tubuhnya mulai dari leher, dada, perut, dan kini selangkangannya. Beberapa kali ia menggigit bibir, berusaha agar tak mengerang terlalu keras karena sungguh, ia benar-benar menyukai sentuhan Tsune dan rasanya sangatlah nikmat.

Tsune menyeringai puas begitu Tomoru akhirnya mengerang keras karena Tsune menggigit pangkal pahanya. Pelan, tentu saja, namun tempat itu adalah salah satu bagian tubuhnya yang cukup sensitif. Tsune kemudian mengecup tempat yang baru saja digigitnya, seolah meminta maaf dan bergerak lagi menyentuh tempat lain yang jauh lebih sensitif dan butuh perhatian lebih saat itu. Kepala Tomoru terbenam ke dalam bantal sementara erangan pelan meluncur tanpa putus dari bibirnya. Pinggulnya tersentak sesekali, berusaha mendapatkan lebih dari diberikan namun Tsune tak menyerah begitu saja dan menahan pinggul Tomoru dengan satu tangan.

Tsune kemudian mengangkat tubuhnya, sesaat tak mempedulikan Tomoru yang memandangnya dengan tatapan bertanya. Sekali lagi ia merebahkan tubuhnya di atas tubuh Tomoru dan memastikan agar ia tak terlalu membebani pacarnya itu. Tsune memeluknya dengan erat dan Tomoru hanya bisa balas memeluk dan menciumnya.

“Ena cantik,” desis Tsune sambil menggigit pelan bibir bawah Tomoru, menyukai bagaimana wajah Tomoru yang sudah bersemu berubah menjadi semakin merona karena pujiannya. 

“Tsune-kun juga tampan.” Balasnya sambil tersipu dan tersenyum senang saat mendapati telinga Tsune memerah karenanya.

Mereka berciuman lagi dan Tomoru menyelipkan tangannya agar ia bisa menyentuh Tsune di bawah sana. Tsune menarik nafas tajam dan mendesah saat jemari Tomoru melingkar mantab dan bergerak pelan. Pemuda itu beringsut, memutar posisi mereka dan dengan senang hati melebarkan kedua kakinya untuk Tomoru. 

Tsune menutup matanya dan menggeram rendah. Berat tubuh Tomoru di atasnya tak pernah jadi beban yang memberatkan untuk Tsune. Apalagi dengan kondisi seperti sekarang. Pemuda itu meletakkan tangannya di atas kepala Tomoru, memberi petunjuk dengan lembut. Sentuhan lembut dan basah di antara kedua kakinya sukses membuat Tsune terengah hebat dan Tomoru tersenyum senang, sedikit merasa bangga pada dirinya sendiri. Dalam hati berharap hanya ia satu-satunya orang yang pernah melihat Tsune seperti ini.

Ia kembali mencium Tsune, menyelipkan lidahnya dalam-dalam dan menghisap lidah Tsune dengan penuh hasrat. Sambil terengah, ia berbisik, “I want you.”

Tsune membelai kepalanya dengan lembut, lalu menyusuri garis rahang Tomoru dengan buku jarinya. Dijentiknya ujung hidung Tomoru dengan sayang dan melempar seringai lain. “You’re already on top of me.” 

Wajah Tomoru memerah hebat meski kepalanya mengangguk. Sejenak ia menjulurkan tubuhnya agar bisa menjangkau laci di samping tempat tidur. Dengan penuh konsentrasi, ia memasangkan kondom pada Tsune dan mempersiapkan dirinya sendiri. Tsune menyelipkan sebelah lengan ke bawah kepalanya sendiri sebagai sandaran agar ia bisa melihat dengan lebih jelas apa yang dilakukan Tomoru. Kemaluannya bereaksi menyaksikan Tomoru menyelipkan dua jari ke dalam tubuhnya sendiri dan mengerang selama prosesnya. Disentuhnya lutut Tomoru dengan ujung jari-jarinya dan Tomoru tersenyum. Mereka berciuman lagi sebelum Tomoru mulai memposisikan tubuhnya dan perlahan membimbing Tsune ke dalam kehangatan tubuhnya.

Tsune menjulurkan kedua tangannya, mengambil kedua tangan Tomoru dan mengaitkan jari-jari mereka begitu tubuhnya terbenam sempurna di dalam tubuh Tomoru. Tsune mendesah panjang dan Tomoru menggeleng, mencegah Tsune untuk langsung bergerak atau ia akan meledak saat itu juga. Karena itu Tsune membiarkan Tomoru mengambil waktunya meskipun rasanya ia pun siap meledak kapan pun. Berada dalam tubuh Tomoru yang hangat dan mencengkeram erat tanpa melakukan apapun saja rasanya sudah sangat luar biasa nikmat. Untunglah Tomoru tak butuh waktu lama untuk membiasakan diri. Pegangan tangannya pada tangan Tsune mengerat dan ia pun mulai bergerak pelan. 

“Ah, Tsune-kun...” Tomoru mendengkurkan namanya. Kepalanya terlempar ke belakang saat ia bergerak lebih cepat.

“Feels good?” tanyanya Tsune dengan suara parau, mendesah tiap kali Tomoru menggerakkan pinggulnya.

Tomoru mengangguk. ”Un. Kimochi ii. Aah.” Dilepasnya pegangan tangan mereka dan merebahkan tubuhnya untuk memeluk Tsune dan menciumnya. Wajahnya kemudian disurukkan ke lekuk leher Tsune dan mengerang tanpa malu-malu begitu Tsune ikut bergerak bersamanya.

Getaran suara Tomoru seolah menembus kulit Tsune dan merayap ke dalam tubuhnya. Geramannya menimpali erangan dan desahan Tomoru dengan harmonis. Tomoru terengah saat Tsune berhenti bergerak dan memeluknya erat. Pemuda itu bangkit untuk duduk dan memposisikan Tomoru di atas pangkuannya. Tomoru mengerang pelan dan melingkarkan kedua lengannya di sekeliling pundak Tsune. Tak ada pertanyaan di dalam mata lebarnya saat ia memandang Tsune. Hanya kepercayaan penuh dan permohonan untuk diberi kenikmatan penuh karena ia sungguh sudah tak tahan lagi. 

Tsune menciumnya, memeluk pinggang Tomoru dengan erat dan mulai menggerakkan pinggulnya lagi. Tomoru mengerang lebih keras ke dalam ciuman mereka sebelum akhirnya menjauh dan memeluk Tsune erat-erat. Posisi seperti itu memudahkan Tsune menjangkau titik di dalam tubuh Tomoru yang dengan pasti akan membuatnya mencapai kenikmatan. Tomoru terisak, memohon agar Tsune bergerak lebih cepat, lebih keras dan lebih dalam dan Tsune dengan senang hati memenuhi keinginannya. 

“Tomoru,” Tsune mendesiskan nama kekasihnya sambil menciumnya entah untuk yang keberapa kali. “Suki?” tanya lirih diiringi lenguhan rendah karena Tomoru mencengkeram terlalu keras.

Tomoru terisak. “Un. Suki.” Ia menggigit bibir Tsune. “Tsune-kun daisuki.”

Dan hanya itu yang dibutuhkan Tsune untuk melepaskan kendali dirinya, menyentak cepat hingga seluruh tubuh mereka terguncang. Tomoru menjerit keras, seluruh tubuhnya mengejang dan Tsune secara mendadak berhenti bergerak untuk melepaskan seluruh hasrat dan perasaannya ke dalam tubuh Tomoru. 

Tubuh mereka tersentak pelan dengan sendirinya, tak ada yang berani bergerak meski Tomoru merasa ia perlu mencium Tsune dan dilakukannya tanpa ragu. Terengah-engah, Tsune membawa mereka berbaring dengan bibir masih saling memagut. Tsune menjentikkan jari di ujung hidung Tomoru dan mereka tertawa pelan di antara nafas yang terengah. 

Tsune memeluknya erat-erat dan berbisik di telinganya. “I really miss those little noises that you make every time we make love.”

Tomoru tertawa dan menyikut perutnya dengan agak keras hingga Tsune mengaduh. Ia memutar tubuh dan berbaring membelakangi Tsune. Sambil mengulum senyum, ia berbisik. “I also miss how easy it is to get you off by telling you that I love you.”

“……….........and I love you, too.”


Monday, October 24, 2011

[fanfic] Ma-kunxTori - Intentional

Cast: Inoue Masahiro, Matsuzaka Tori
Rating: R
Warning: BL, AU, OOC, NSFW
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Note: Ini tak lain tak bukan adalah bentuk penebusan rasa bersalah pada Bocchan yg gue yakin lagi ngambek di sana itu XDDDD

Angka penghitung waktu bergerak mendekati nol dan mesin itu pun mengeluarkan bunyi melengking menandakan pekerjaannya sudah tuntas. Sambil bersiul, Masahiro membuka tutup microwave dan mengeluarkan secangkir susu coklat hangat dari dalamnya. Diambilnya sebuah piring berisi sandwich yang sudah disiapkannya sembari menunggu susunya dihangatkan tadi. Dengan piring dan gelas di tangan, pemuda jangkung itu berlalu, berhati-hati agar tak terantuk kursi atau meja pajangan saat melewati lorong dan ruang tengah yang gelap dan menaiki tangga menuju kamarnya di lantai dua.

Dia nyaris saja menjatuhkan piring dan gelas itu saat memasuki kamar. Tunangan tercintanya tengah berbaring di tempat tidurnya yang besar. Tori tampak nyaman berbaring tengkurap di antara tumpukan selimut putih dan bantal yang berantakan. Satu bantal didekap di bawah dada sebagai penyangga sementara ia membaca sebuah buku. Tapi masalahnya bukan itu. Masalahnya adalah Tori memilih untuk berbaring di sana tanpa mengenakan sehelai pakaian pun. Selimut putih itu hanya menutupi sampai bagian pinggul, pun agak tertarik turun saat Tori beringsut. Dokter itu seolah hanya bergerak untuk mengambil kacamatanya sejak mereka selesai bercinta tadi dan Masahiro bilang ia lapar lalu turun ke dapur mencari sesuatu untuk dikudap.
Masahiro memastikan ia menutup pintu dengan benar sebelum menarik nafas dan mendekat. Tori mendengarnya dan menoleh sambil tersenyum manis.

"Ma-kun buat apa?"

"Cuma susu dan sandwich," ujarnya pura-pura acuh. Tori membalik badannya sedikit agar ia bisa mengintip apa yang dibawa Masahiro. Mau tak mau, mata Masahiro tertuju pada pada bagian bawah tubuh Tori yang terancam kelihatan dari bawah selimut. Ia buru-buru bergerak ke sisi lain tempat tidur dan duduk di sebelah Tori. Pun, langsung sibuk mengunyah sandwich-nya dan pura-pura sibuk dengan ponselnya. Tori mengulurkan tangan untuk mencuri sepotong sandwich dari tangan Masahiro. Pemuda itu merengut sekilas dan Tori hanya tertawa lalu melanjutkan membaca.

Masahiro melirik lagi. Sungguh, ia tahu ia laki-laki yang beruntung bisa mendapatkan orang seseksi dan semenarik Tori sebagai pasangannya. Meski Masahiro jadi lebih sering mengenakan celana cargo-nya dibanding jeans ketat kesukaannya.

"Tori tadi katanya mau mandi." Komentar Masahiro kemudian, tak tahan diam saja.

"Hmm?" Tori membalik sebuah halaman. "Sudah, kok. Begitu Ma-kun ke bawah tadi aku langsung mandi."

"Lalu kenapa tak pakai baju?" Protesnya pelan.

"Malas." Tori meleletkan lidah.

Masahiro mengerutkan kening. Tori tertawa pelan. "Tak apa kan? Toh, yang lihat cuma Ma-kun."

Masahiro nyaris tersedak sandwich-nya dan buru-buru menyesap susu hangatnya. Lagi-lagi tangan Tori terulur ingin ikut mencicipi. Masahiro memandangnya seolah tak percaya. Ia kemudian mencibir.

"Dulu sebelum kupacari, Tori sok pemalu. Sekarang saja begitu."

Tori terbahak dan menusuk pinggang Masahiro dengan ujung jarinya. "Itu intinya kan? Waktu itu kan aku belum yakin benar dengan niatmu. Rugi dong kalau ternyata kau cuma menjadikan aku sasaran ke-playboy-anmu lalu kau tinggal pergi begitu saja."

Masahiro masih mencibir sembari beringsut menjauh dari serangan Tori. "Itu namanya manipulatif, tahu."

"Kalau bisa mendapatkan orang setampan Ma-kun, aku tak keberatan jadi manipulatif." Tori mengerling.

"Dasar genit." Masahiro melengos seraya menggigit potongan terakhir sandwich-nya.

"Heeeei!" Tori memprotes setengah hati. Diamatinya sang pacar yang masih ngambek tanpa alasan itu. Biasanya pemuda itu akan dengan bersemangatnya melupakan makanannya dan langsung menggoda Tori untuk bercinta lagi kalau melihatnya dalam kondisi seperti itu. Bukannya ia sengaja tak pakai baju untuk memancing Masahiro, dia memang sedang malas saja dan yah, tak ada ruginya kan?

"Ma-kun," panggilnya ramah. "Lihat sini, dong."

Pemuda itu menoleh dan sekali lagi menelan ludah. Ia tak akan pernah bisa menolak Tori. Sampai kapanpun. Pemuda itu menyingkirkan piring dan gelasnya ke atas meja di samping tempat tidur sebelum beringsut mendekat pada Tori. Dokter itu menyandarkan tangan dan dagunya di atas lutut Masahiro dan memandangnya dengan lembut.

"Apa aku salah bicara?" Tanyanya sambil menusuk-nusuk pelan paha Masahiro.

Masahiro menggeleng. "Tidak."

Tori memiringkan kepalanya. "Lalu?"

"Tori tahu aku pasti jadio bersemangat lagi melihat Tori seperti ini kan?"

Tori terbahak dan Masahiro pun tak bisa menyembunyikan cengirannya. Pemuda itu menarik Tori ke dalam pelukannya sementara ia bersandar nyaman ke tumpukan bantal besar di belakang punggungnya. Kedua tangannya melingkar posesif di pinggang Tori sementara Tori meletakkan kedua tangannya di masing-masing bahu Masahiro.

"Lalu sejak kapan itu jadi masalah untukmu, Bocchan?" Godanya sambil mengecup ujung hidung Masahiro dengan gemas.

"Masalah karena besok Tori harus berangkat pagi-pagi sekali dan kalau aku memaksa, Tori pasti marah padaku kan?"

Tori mengangkat sebelah alisnya. "Dan kapan kau pernah mendengarkan omelanku?"

"Umh, tidak pernah?" Masahiro meringis. Dielusnya punggung Tori dengan sayang dan mau tak mau tersenyum saat Tori makin merapat padanya. Beringsut pelan di pangkuannya, seolah menikmati tonjolan hangat di antara selangkangan Masahiro. "Tori sengaja ya?" Bisiknya parau.



"Sungguh." Tori tertawa pelan dan mengecup kekasihnya itu. Dipagutnya pelan bibir Masahiro yang penuh dan bergumam senang saat Masahiro membalas ciumannya. "Aku tidak bawa piyama." Bisik Tori di antara ciuman.

"Tori kan bisa pinjam punyaku." Balas Masahiro, mengecup dagu Tori lalu kembali menciumnya.

Tori mengedikkan bahu. "Terlalu panjang untukku."

Masahiro mendengus. "Tori pakai saja kausku ini."

"Tidak, ah. Ma-kun saja yang buka baju juga."

Pemuda jangkung itu mendengus. "Tuh kan. Kau memang sengaja ya, sensei?"

"Dibilang tidak. Aku kan hanya kasihan padamu." Ujarnya meski sinar jahil di matanya sama sekali tak meyakinkan Masahiro.

Pemuda itu mendengus. "Pokoknya aku tak mau dengar Tori marah-marah besok pagi karena pegal-pegal ya?"

"Ma-kun." Potong Tori cepat dan tegas.


"Kau terlalu banyak bicara."

Pemuda itu nyengir lebar dan menyambut ciuman Tori. Kali ini lebih dalam dan bergairah. Ia beringsut menurunkan celananya namun tak benar-benar melepas dan mendesah keras saat kulitnya bergesekan halus dengan kulit Tori. Tanpa banyak persiapan karena tubuh mereka masih cukup terbiasa dari sesi bercinta sebelumnya, Tori membawa Masahiro dalam-dalam dan membuat mereka lupa diri dalam sekejab. Beberapa hentakan dan bisikan penuh cinta sudah cukup membawa mereka mencapai kenikmatan yang membutakan itu.

Tori membelai dan mengecupi wajah Masahiro dengan penuh sayang, menikmati tubuh mereka yang masih sesekali tersentak pelan sebelum akhirnya benar-benar kembali tenang. Masahiro pun memeluk Tori erat-erat dan menciumnya sekali lagi sebelum rela melepaskan Tori untuk merapikan celana piyamanya sambil terbahak setengah tersipu.

"Jadi, kenapa tadi pakai acara ngambel?" Tori menyentil ujung hidung Masahiro saat mereka sudah berbaring bersebelahan dan Tori beringsut mencari posisi yang lebih nyaman dalam pelukan Masahiro, secara insting mengaitkan kaki dengan sepasang yang sangat panjang.

Masahiro meringis. "Habis Tori terlalu menggoda sih."

Tori nyengir. "Baiklah. Aku memang sengaja kok."

"Tuh kan!"


[fanfic] Tug & Pull

Cast: Matsuzaka Tori, Wada Takuma, Daito Shunsuke
Rating: NC-17
Warning: BL, AU, NSFW, PWP
Disclaimer: No profit gained, no harm intended
Note: Please, never let me write a OT3 again, please? Apparently, I'm so BAD at it *sobs* so sorry for the poor result, grammar error and everything. Made as an appreciation of a certain pig. GAK BISA HIDUP GUE KAYA GINI, GAK BISAAAAAAAAAA



The bedroom is dim, somewhat romantically illuminated by a the moon and the city lights from outside the window. The tree that occupy the room, however, can't care less about that. Too consumed, too absorbed at the task at hands. More like, the task that brought out from how one of them turns to be so sultry and even more flirty and way beyond sexy when drunk.


Shunsuke finds himself licking his lips and Takuma blushes while trying to down more of the content of his glass. While Tori looks at them funny with half of his shirt buttons off and currently revealing too much skin for his own good. Delicious, creamy, dark skin. Takuma moves, trying to safe his friend from further humiliation but Tori swats his hand away and pouts cutely. Takuma has to kiss him. Tori blinks while Shunsuke is very amused.

The guy approaches his kissing friends and Takuma looks bashful. Shunsuke smirks. "Can I get a kiss, too?"

Tori blinks. "Why?"

"Because I'm drunk."

Tori laughs and drops a quick kiss on to his friend's lips. "There." But Shunsuke is quick to grab Tori by the waist and demands a real kiss, tongue and all. Tori moans as he drapes his arms around Shunsuke.

Takuma coughs, a little bit uncomfortable at the display before him. "Should... Should I leave?"

Tori quickly pulls away, "No! Come on. Where are you going, anyway?" Another cute and half-lidded eyes follows.

So Takuma stays and kisses Tori as an answer.

The next thing Tori knows is they are in Shunsuke's bed, almost naked except for their undies. Takuma is holding him and kissing him while Shunsuke has his hands roaming all over Tori's body. Tori moans appreciatively into Takuma's lips at every touch. He laces his fingers with Takuma who affectionately reciprocates. Tori closes his eyes, basking in every sensation his body is experiencing. He's familiar with Takuma. Everything he does is like an old friend: warm and affectionate and Tori knows that he can trust the man. On the other hand, Shunsuke is very new to him: curious yet passionate.

When he opens his eyes, he sees his friends are looking at him, smiling at him and looks really amused.

"What?" Tori asks, a little bit bashful.

Takuma and Shunsuke smile to each other before Takuma replies. "You were never this cute back then."

Tori has to laugh at that and pokes Takuma's chest with a finger. "Oh, shut up."

"Interesting," Shunsuke comments. Tori makes a face at him and pushes him down to the mattress so he can climb up on Shunsuke's body and starts to kiss him. Kissing Shunsuke is also new and Tori is getting even more excited. He moves down, kissing every beauty marks on Shunsuke's face and Shunsuke does the same with his. Soft sound of lips smacking over skin and occasional moans from the two are like a cue for Takuma to not just sit back and watch.

He positions himself behind Tori, kissing his shoulder, trailing every beauty marks he knows perfectly well where. Tori moans louder, kissing Shunsuke's chest now. Takuma caresses Tori's back as his kisses follow until he reaches the waist of Tori's black undies. The handsome doctor's eyes alight as he cups both hands around Tori's pert bottom. He squeezes a little bit.

Tori hums appreciatively at the squeeze. He rests his face against Shunsuke's chest, looking over his shoulder to give Takuma a meaningful smile. He moans again as Takuma catches his smile, squeezes a little bit harder and ducking down to take a bite.

Shunsuke cups Tori's face with both hands and kisses him again. "You make such cute noises."

Tori chuckles slyly. "I do." And he hisses as he feels cold air on the bottom part of his body. Takuma has pulled Tori's brief off.

"I think it's about time." Shunsuke agrees. They shuffles a little bit, giving room for Takuma to completely pulls Tori's and to take off his own while Tori helps Shunsuke with his.

A few seconds later, Tori gasps. His two best friends, sitting side by side, both are panting a little bit, flushed skin and...

"How can I be this lucky?" His eyes are certainly can not leave the building excitement displayed before his eyes.

The two chuckles. Takuma reaches out his hand, "Just come over here and show us how grateful you are to have us."

Tori laughs, taking Takuma's hand into his own and position himself between the two so he can simultaneously kiss them. He doesn't care who is touching him where. His clouded mind only knows that everything feels so good and "Oh, yes...touch me there again."

Takuma, even though feels a little bit self concious at first, can no longer pretend that he doesn't enjoy this. After all, he knows how sexy Tori can be once he is in the mood. He watches as Tori turns to Shunsuke, lying half of his body on top of Shunsuke's body while kissing him so hotly. Takuma steals a kiss from him before continuing caressing his friend's body. He slips his hand between his friends bodies so he can touch lower.

"Ahn!" Tori moans, bucking his back and Shunsuke holds him close. Takuma smiles, touching the warmth private member and closes his fingers around it. He hears Tori murmuring his name as Shunsuke shifts, giving a little space so Takuma can move more freely in pleasuring their friend.

Takuma moves his hand, teasingly the tip with his thumb before jerking a little bit until Tori has to back away from his kissing Shunsuke to bit his own lip and gasping.

"That feels good?" Shunsuke asks in a whisper.

Tori nods. He releases another moan as Takuma presses on a spot. "Hmm...yeah...feels good." He blinks as Shunsuke turns him around gently, so now he's sitting between Shunsuke legs, back to chest. Tori looks a little bit confused but Takuma is now kissing him and whispers a thank you to Shunsuke. Next thing he knows, he's watching himself disappears into Takuma's warm and wet mouth. Tori throws his head to rest on Shunsuke's shoulder while the man wraps his arms around Tori's body and caressing his chest and stomach.

Instinctively, Tori opens his legs wider for Takuma. His hips bucks slightly, going with the same rhythm as Takuma does wonder with his lips, tongue and fingers. His back arches and he can't stop moaning breathlessly. Shunsuke doubles the pleasure by teasing Tori's chest with his fingers and kissing him occasionally.

Tori feels so hot. Something is crawling inside his body, slipping in to his joints and manipulating his senses. His body tauts as he clenches on Shunsuke's arm a bit too tightly and reaches his release right away. Takuma, having been paying attention to every signal his friend is giving him, backs away a little as Tori climaxes in his mouth. He tugs slowly, helping Tori to finish and smiles to Shunsuke, who also been watching Tori writhe and practically turns into a mess.

"You okay?" Takuma whispers as he leans is and caresses Tori's cheek with his knuckle.

Tori laughs a little and nods. "Yeah." He chuckles as he watches Shunsuke leans in and kisses Takuma. The dentist is quite surprised but doesn't say anything. It's a fascinating view while he regains his strength and gets excited again. Then Tori joins in. He lifts up his body, kissing Shunsuke on the cheek, and his jaw line, his neck, down to his chest, teasing Shunsuke's nipple with his tongue and moving down again to his stomach.

Takuma and Shunsuke pull away from the kiss, watching Tori. Shunsuke kisses Takuma once again, before leaning back on to the mattress and being pleasured because good gods, Tori is so good with his hands and mouth. Shunsuke grunts and moans, his hand is resting on Tori's head, giving him direction.

Meanwhile, Takuma is already enjoying Tori's back and butt again. He looks around a little bit and Shunsuke whispers, "Left side. Top drawer."

Tori doesn't seem to care. He only looks up and when Shunsuke smiles down at him, he continues moving his head again. He backs up with a 'pop' sound, licking his own lips. "Kimochi ii?"

Shunsuke caresses Tori's hair, slipping some strands behind an ear. "Un. Sugoku ii."

Tori smiles smugly, this time giving a hard jerk before swallowing again. However, he moans loudly as he feels something cold touches his lower side. Tori looks over his shoulder. Takuma is holding a small tube that apparently a lube and pouring a little bit of the content to the cleft between his cheek. He spreads it with his thumb and smiles to Tori as his fingers tease Tori's opening. He presses slightly and pushes a finger inside.

"Hnnngh..." Tori moans, for a moment forgetting about Shunsuke and concentrating on the gentle intruder currently entering his body. Another finger follows the first and Tori cries. He gasps and moans as Takuma stars to move inside and out. Shunsuke decides to distract Tori by touching his jaw line and motioning that he really needs Tori's attention at the moment. Tori laughs, a bit breathless and goes back pleasuring Shunsuke while occasionally moaning because of what happening to his lower part.

"Ah, gods" Shunsuke moans and Tori sucks hard on him. Takuma can't help but feels a little jealous at the attention. But he needs to get Tori ready for both of them. He tugs on Tori's hips until it lifted higher and giving Takuma more access. His fingers move a little bit faster and Takuma leans in to take a taste.

Tori moans loudly. "Wada," he gasps.

"Nani?" Takuma asks softly.

"Aangh... Please... I can't... Aaaaah..."

Shunsuke smiles. "I think you have to be clear, Tori. Takuma-san won't understand if you're being vague."

Tori pouts at that but he takes a deep breath. "Please... Get inside me. I can't... Aagh!"

Both Shunsuke and Takuma smiles. Shunsuke kisses Tori before letting Takuma takes Tori and position him on his lap, back to chest. Takuma leans to the headboard, holding Tori around the waist. Tori turns his head to kiss his friend. He feels like he's replaying a night some years back but of course he can not possibly think of anything at the moment with lust and alcohol clouding his mind. Takuma guides himself to find Tori's opening and Tori obligingly lower his body, engulfs Takuma completely inside his body. Both of them moan long and low. And Takuma starts moving.

Shunsuke rises on his knees. He appraches the two friends. Watching at some weird fascination at how Takuma moving inside and out of Tori and how Tori responds to him. He leans in and kisses Tori, letting Tori releasing his moans and passion into his mouth. Tori pushes him back a little and lowers his body so he can take Shunsuke into his mouth, continuing where he left off.

Soon, there are only breathless gasps, moans, groans, soft and wet sounds of lips on skin and skin on skin. Soon, the tension rises higher and they move faster and deeper into each other. Taking pleasure and sharing passion (or lust) until Tori, breathlessly and desperately, cries out and Shunsuke grunts and Takuma groans. Bodies bucks and tugs and just stop moving for a second before collapsing slowly like sigh.

Takuma kisses Tori affectionately on the cheek. Shunsuke does the same and Tori smiles before falling asleep.

The next morning, Tori wakes up with massive headache and a body that sore and ache all over.

"I think I had a weird dream." He says to Takuma who offers him coffee.

Takuma and Shunsuke look at each other. Tori feels like he wants to throw a glass at them as they pat his shoulders.


Please, do not kill me?